martes, 22 de mayo de 2007

Confesionario / ???

No comenta nadie mas? los extraño!

I wrote ??? because I couldn´t find the english translation for "confesionario", the place whrere catholics confess their sinns in church.

Please send comments, I miss them!!

Fujifilm GA645i TMAX400 HC110

5 comentarios:

JM Vigil dijo...

I'm responding to your plea for comments. Greetings from Michigan, USA. The English translation is confessional. Not to far off from Spanish. I really like the design of that door.

Bob Crowe dijo...

Ale - one of your best pictures yet. Yes, as every English-speaking boy who was educated by the nuns knows, confessional is the word. Having been in many Catholic churches around the world (when in Europe, my kids called them ABC - another boring cathedral), having the confessional next to a window is very unusual. Most of the time, they are along dark side aisles, as if giving the sinner a place to hide while confessing. The soft light here suggests redemption.


St. Louis Missouri Daily Photo Blog

Anónimo dijo...

¡Aunque no firmemos estamos acá, siguiendo tus fotos cada día!

Amenizan el día en la oficina. Son siempre una buena noticia!


Fénix - Bostonscapes dijo...
Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
Anónimo dijo...

"Confesionario" si no estoy equivocada se dice "Confessional Box".
Saludos! Muy buenas las fotos!