miércoles, 2 de mayo de 2007

Iglesia / Church

Fujifilm GA645i, TMAX400 HC110

5 comentarios:

Fénix - Bostonscapes dijo...
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ale dijo...

Hola. Si, afuera esta siendo restaurada, esta casi terminada, en otra entrada del blog hay una imagen desde atras. Sos argentino?

Bob Crowe dijo...

What makes this picture different and appealing is the play of light and shadow on the facade. You have such a good eye. What church is this and in which barrio?

St. Louis Missouri Daily Photo Blog

ale dijo...

Hi! The light on the facade is the reflection of a big glass covered building across the street. The basilica is located in the financial district (City bancaria) and its name is Nuestra "Señora de la Merced"

Fénix - Bostonscapes dijo...
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